[AF] Estudio en hospital venezolano

luzmarina sanchez luzmarinasanch en hotmail.com
Mar Ago 24 17:47:06 CEST 2004

En Venezuela, recien se culminó un estudio para evaluar el impacto de la implementación de un programa de Atención Farmacéutica en la Unidad de Hipertensión del Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Los resultados son importantes ya que se resolvieron el 85% los PRM detectados. Anexo les envio resumen del trabajo.
Sánchez L,* Costantini A,** Danialian A,** Pereira J,** Chuki E.**** *Pharmacist Specialist. Centro Efector de Farmacovigilancia, CEFARVI. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Farmacia. ** Students Pharmacy, Universidad Santa María. *** Médic Specialist in Hypertension Clinic, Hospital Universitario de Caracas.
OBJECTIVE: Implement of a pharmaceutical attention service pilot project, applied to patients attended in the hypertension unit of the Caracas University Hospital
METHOD: 275 patients from the outpatient - hypertension unit of the Caracas University Hospital were chosen, male and female of any age, with and without pharmacology treatment, during the period of August to November 2003. A therapeutic profile was filled for each patient in their first appointment; a plan resolution for detected Medication Related Problem (MRP) was established with a following phone call to each patient and subsequently evaluation of the results in their second appointment.
RESULTS: In the 275 studied patients, 49 cases of MRP were detected as follow: MRP 5 (safety): 28 cases, MRP 6 (safety): 9 cases, MRP 2 (prescription): 1 case, MRP 4 (efficacy): 1 case.
CONCLUSIONS: With the implement of the pharmaceutical attention service, 85 % of the MRP were detected and resolved in patients with hypertension problems. The program shows a benefit for the patient and allows the pharmacist to give a sanitary service attention to the patient.
Luz Marina Sánchez

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