[AF] WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No.6, 2004

Martín Cañás macanas en netverk.com.ar
Mar Dic 28 17:06:43 CET 2004

WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No.6, 2004Estimadas y estimados colisteros
ya está disponible el 
WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No.6, 2004,
en :

notese que incluye informacion (aunque breve) de la suspensión  en noviembre de la comercialización de celecoxib en Turquía

el indice es el siguiente 


ACTRA-RX AND YILISHEN -- Presence of undeclared sildenafil .................................................. 1

ADALIMUMAB -- Serious infections if used together with anakinra .............................................. 1

ANTIDEPRESSANTS -- Label to warn of increased suicidality in children;

Patient Medication Guide to advise on risks and precautions to be taken ..................................... . 1

ATORVASTATIN -- Interaction with grapefruit juice ...............................................................  2

BLACK COHOSH COMBINATION #2; YELLOW DOCK COMBINATION #3 -- Presence of aristolochic acid... 2

CELECOXIB -- Withdrawn in Turkey................................................................................... 2

EPOETIN ALFA -- Label change to reflect thrombosis risk ......................................................... 2

ETANERCEPT, INFLIXIMAB -- Reports of serious infections ....................................................... 2

INFLIXIMAB -- Lymphoma warning added to label................................................................... 2

ISOTRETINOIN -- Enhancement to risk management programme .................................................3

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM -- Dysphagia and risk of choking .......................................................3

MIFEPRISTONE -- Important labelling changes proposed...........................................................3

PERGOLIDE MESYLATE -- Label change: risk of cardiac valvulopathy ............................................ 4

REMINYL AND AMARYL -- Reports of medication errors ............................................................ 4

VALDECOXIB -- Label updated to warn about skin reactions ....................................................... 4


CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS -- Reports of cardiac arrhythmias ................................................ 5

CYCLO-OXYGENASE-2 INHIBITORS -- Plans to review all medicines in this class ................................. 5

ETHINYLESTRADIOL / CYPROTERONE -- Increased risk of thrombosis............................................. 5

HERBAL MEDICINES -- Cardiovascular ADRs reported to Health Canada.......................................... 5

INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE -- Interactions with drugs............................................................... 6

MEDROXYPROGESTERONE -- Effect on bone mineral density ....................................................... 6

PAMIDRONATE DISODIUM, ZOLEDRONIC ACID -- Spontaneous reports of osteonecrosis of the jaw ........ 6

SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS (SSRIs) -- ADRAC reviews use in children and adolescents . 7

TERBINAFINE -- Reports of blood dyscrasias .......................................................................... 7

TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS -- Overdose risk ...................................................................... 7


Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of Representatives of the National Centres participating

in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring: Observations from Working Groups  8


Martín Cañás
macanas en netverk.com.ar

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