Rotarix en EEUU: suspensión temporal

Pedro del Río Pérez pedrodelrio en
Lun Mar 22 19:45:49 CET 2010

Parece que anda rondando un virus porcino en dicha vacuna.
Que cosas !!

Components of Extraneous Virus Detected in Rotarix Vaccine; No Known Safety Risk
FDA Recommends Clinicians Temporarily Suspend Use of Vaccine as Agency Learns More

FDA is recommending that healthcare practitioners temporarily suspend use of the 
Rotarix vaccine for rotavirus immunization in the United States while the agency 
learns more about components of an extraneous virus detected in the vaccine.  
There is no evidence at this time that this finding poses a safety risk.....

Pedro del Río Pérez
pedrodelrio en 

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