[AF] Epidemia de confusión.
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Mie Mayo 2 07:52:58 CEST 2012
Aunque muy probablemente muchos ya lo conoceréis, desde nuestra Unidad
de Farmacia Clínica y Farmacoterapia de la Univ. de Barcelona hicimos
hace unos años y dentro de un proyecto a nivel europeo, un estudio
sobre los medicamentos devueltos a las Oficinas de Farmacia de
Barcelona, con el conocimiento del Colegio de Barcelona y la
imprescindible ayuda de los compañeros de las Oficinas de Farmacia que
previo procedimiento de aleatorización quisieron participar en el
estudio y a quienes les entregamos constancia nominal de su
La experiencia del trabajo conjunto fue muy satisfactoria y los
resultados quedaron publicados en el año 2008 en una revista
internacional con revisión por pares. La experiencia con SIGRE no fue
tan buena y ahora preferimos no recordarla.
El resumen de la publicación, por si resultara de interés, la incluyo abajo.
Eduardo L. Mariño
Pharm World Sci. 2008 Jun;30(3):272-7. Epub 2007 Nov 16.
Returned medicines in community pharmacies of Barcelona, Spain.
Coma A, Modamio P, Lastra CF, Bouvy ML, Mariño EL.
Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
To monitor the amount of unused drugs and the cost to the public
health system. Setting A random sample of community pharmacies in
Barcelona, Spain. Method The drugs were collected from 38 community
pharmacies over a period of 7 consecutive working days (excluding
Sundays). A questionnaire was designed to evaluate each returned
medicine. The resulting data were analyzed and evaluated.
The number of drugs collected at the pharmacy, the characteristics of
the clients and the reasons why they returned the drugs, and finally
the economic value of the drugs returned and the cost to the public
health system.
A total of 227 clients (54.6% women, 64 +/- 20 years-old) returned
1,176 packages to the pharmacy. The number of packages collected in
one return ranged from 1 to 121. The number of packages collected per
pharmacy ranged from 0 to 188. In more than half of the cases (52.4%)
the patients returned their drug in person and in 32.2% of the cases a
relative returned it on their behalf. The main reason (28.2%) why
drugs were returned was the expiry date. In 24.9% of the cases the
patient's condition had improved and there was no further need for the
drug. In 20.8% the patient had died. The estimated total cost of the
collected drugs was euro 8,539.9. Over 75% of this amount (euro
6,463.9) had been paid by the public health system.
This study confirms the importance of analyzing the return of unwanted
medicines to reduce unnecessary health expenditure. It also highlights
the inadequacies of the Spanish health system in the areas of
prescription, dispensing and use of medicines. Establishing strategies
to reduce the wastage of unused medicines is necessary.
Eduardo Satue ha escrit:
> Bueno, lo más interesante del sigre es que se dedicó durante varios
> años a cobrar por eliminar los residuos de medicamentos
> correctamente... y acabaron en un agujero en el suelo, tipo
> vertedero tercermundista.
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