[AF] información "extra" sobre los COX-2

Inigo Gorostiza igorosti en euskalnet.net
Lun Feb 28 17:33:21 CET 2005

Estimados amigos,
Por su interés, os reenvío una información extra sobre los COX-2 que he recibido del NHS. 
Un abrazo,
Title FDA COX-2 panel linked to pharmaceutical industry 
Date Published 28/02/2005 
Author initials SHEETAL 
Author surname LADVA 
Author affiliation Hospital Pharmacist 
Resource Links Pharmatimes 
Abstract The US Food and Drug Administration has itself at the centre of a conflict concerning the make-up of its advisory panel that backed COX-2 inhibitors. 

A study by the USA’s Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), commissioned by the New York Times, has identified that 10 of the 32 panel members had strong links to Pfizer, Merck or Novartis, the manufacturers of COX-2 inhibitors. 

These members have received consulting fees, speaking honoraria and research grants. In addition, the CSPI have commented that 17 other panel members received research or financial support from other pharmaceutical firms. 

It has been suggested that without the ballots of these 10 members, the panel may have voted in favour of withdrawing Bextra and keeping Vioxx. At the hearings, the panel voted 31-1 to keep Celebrex on the market, 17-13 (with two abstentions) in favour of Bextra and 17-15 to allow Merck to sell Vioxx again. 

The FDA has acknowledged that there may be potential conflicts of interest in this case, but stated that because of “the general nature of the discussions before the committee, these potential conflicts are mitigated.” It added that it had screened members of the panel for conflicts of interest but nevertheless it has been reported that it will set up a new independent drug safety board in a bid to improve transparency. 

Iñigo Gorostiza Hormaetxe

Nota del administrador para los que manejamos el inglés peor que Iñigo:

En fechas recientes ha habido un segundo informe de un comité de sabios
(peste de comités de sabios) acerca de los COX2 en el cual venían a
decir que "no están tan mal" e incluso solicitaban la recomezialización
Pues bien; resulta que 10 de los 32 "sabios" que firmaron ese informe
estaban relacionados con la industria fabricante de COX2

Mas o menos es eso, ¿no Iñigo?

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